Oct 23, 2018
Our guest this week is Elinor Predota. She is a spiritual counsellor and coach, a storyteller, poet, singer and artist, a spoonie, a Marxist and intersectional feminist, a mystic, a geek, and a queer, genderfluid, bisexual Witch. Elinor works with people who long to make action for social justice an everyday part...
Oct 16, 2018
Our guest this week is Marc Choyt. Marc is the co-Founder of Reflective Jewelry and one of the leading activists for fair trade jewelry in North America. Marc works on marketing and publicity for the company (like the websites), strategic planning, and the like. He also focuses on their supply chain, seeking ways...
Oct 9, 2018
Our guest this week is Mike Dannheim. Mike is the Founder and CEO of the Sensie app. It's an app that detects a neuromuscular signal that represent the stress response. By applying research from the fields of neuroscience and psychophysiology with machine learning techniques and the sensors on your smartphone, Sensie...
Oct 2, 2018
Our guest this week is Sasha Allenby. Sasha is an author and a ghostwriter who wrote her first book in 2005 and co-authored the popular healing book Matrix Reimprinting - which has sold around the world and has been translated into 11 languages. In 2016, she began to hear a calling to support social evolutionaries -...