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Jul 17, 2017

My guest for this episode is Rachael Kay Albers, of RKA ink. Rachael is one of the most talented and smartest web designers for social enterprise brands that I have ever met.

Some topics covered in this conscious business podcast episode on creating effective social enterprise website include:

  • How to clarify and present your social impact goals on the web effectively.
  • Identifying and being aware of issues of priviledge.
  • How to create a comprehensive strategy based on your values.
  • When in your social business journey different website choices make sense.

Join us as we explore the leading edge of social enterprise and how to move past challenges and into truly having the positive impact you desire.

And, as always, there is an unique opportunity to discuss the themes covered in this episode in the Awarepreneurs Facebook community.  Just do a search in the group for EP 007.  And be sure to pick up Rachael's guide, Don't Hire a Web Designer.

The main suggestions Rachael had is:

1) Get your content marketing plan in place BEFORE you build a site.
2) Do your professional photo shoot BEFORE you build a site.
3) Engage a copywriter for your website.

And here is the link to the book we mentioned about avoiding "the Savior Complex", No More Heros: Grassroots Challenges to the Savior Mentality.